Chelsea London Phillips

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2020 In Review

It doesn’t need to be said that 2020 was a far cry different from previous years (2019 in review, 2018 in review, 2017 in review). Leaving aside the obvious, 2020 had some major life adjustments - a new child being the most impactful, of course.

Prior to going through my photos from the past year, I expected to find a whole lot of nothing. The only time we even left the city of Prague was for a 28 hour bureaucratic trip to Zagreb. Nearly 6 months of the year was spent in agonizing pregnancy illness. And all of that time, and after, was spent in lockdown. So, imagine my surprise, as I skimmed through, to find nearly 50 images I wanted to compile to sum up the now infamous year of 2020. So, here they are. My 2020 in review.

May 29, 2020 - we welcomed our son to our little family, an event which was captured in my post: Life in the Time of Corona.